
Since ancient times until fifty years ago, the Mill represented one of the most important resources for food in Val Bràtica. It was built on a soft slope between two rivers, Canalaccio and Bràtica, a strategic location to exploit the natural inclination which allowed water to be diverted from the first stream, to fill the ditch above the house, and channelling it under two arches in order to push the blades which powered the Mill.

The Surroundings



This Apennine territory since the pre- roman age was the  land of  inhabitants, whose footprints are nowadays still alive. Ligurians, Romans and Longobards have left in infrastructures, uses and languages, signs of a passage which characterized the mountain’s physiognomy; in toponymy, from the mediolatin expression “Montium Curtes” (The Courts of Monchio) it seems that it takes its origin from the actual name of the main villages , Monchio delle Corti; the variety of churches, inside and in the surroundings of which it’s possible to find works of considerable artistic interest which testify to the ancient power of the bishops of Parma from 941 to 1805.  A remnant of this power is to be seen in the village of Lugagnano, where it is possible to see the bridge rebuilt by Ferdinando Farnese in 1602. During the Second World War the mountains were an enormous battlefield and you can still find many commemorative tombstones in honour of Partisans who fought against the Nazi-fascists.

Cinema and Poetry





The Mill was a crossing point of important characters of history and Italian culture. Together with Bernardo and Giuseppe Bertolucci (authors of Novecento, The Last Emperor, Last Tango in Paris, The Dreamers, Berlinguer ti voglio bene, etc…) this place has included the presence of characters like Roberto Benigni, Pier Paolo Pasolini and Giorgio Bassani. Last but not least, Attilio Bertolucci was one of the most important poets of the last century and we are proud to have met him and we are still excited by his words.

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Website: www.ilmulinodiriana.it